REGISTER TODAY: Stop Following and Start Thinking: A Conversation with Andrew Sullivan

Last week, we sent out an invitation to the inaugural event of a new speaker series: Stop Following and Start Thinking. The idea is to hear from some of the most prominent against-the-grain thinkers and writers in America today.

We don’t expect to hear the same old arguments you’ll find in traditional outlets. The goal is to listen to brilliant thought leaders who expose us to concepts that cut against the traditional orthodoxy – that challenge our perspective on politics and the world.

At a free lunch event on September 19, we’ll hear from renowned journalist and thinker Andrew Sullivan. REGISTER HERE.

Author, blogger, and editor Andrew Sullivan is known for his provocative, astute, and fiercely independent brand of political and social commentary.

The Washington Post called him “a media pioneer,” and The New York Times referred to him as “the most influential political writer of his generation.” In assessing his body of work, New York Magazine said, “[T]he archive makes a case for Sullivan’s outsize influence on the politics of the new century.”


Take a look at some of Sullivan’s feature work:

We All Live on Campus Now

In this 2018 piece for New York Magazine, Sullivan is one of the first to sound the alarm that radical views on race, gender, and individualism are migrating from the back halls of elite universities to the country’s major institutions: “If elites believe that the core truth of our society is a system of interlocking and oppressive power structures based around immutable characteristics like race or sex or sexual orientation, then sooner rather than later, this will be reflected in our culture at large.”

The Vibes They Are A-Shiftin’

Sullivan argues in this 2022 piece that he senses a cultural shift afoot: “In the popular culture, the scolds are retreating. Netflix finally found a spine and told its woke employees to go elsewhere if they can’t handle shows they disapprove of. The great Dave Chappelle is doing a new show with Chris Rock. Ricky Gervais and Bill Maher have challenged trans extremism — and thrived…”

America Has Never Been So Ripe for Tyranny

In a 2016 essay for New York Magazine, Sullivan argues that America’s founders “constructed large, hefty barriers between the popular will and the exercise of power.” But over the last 150 years, those barriers have been slowly deconstructed, and there are consequences.


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