There’s Something Wrong in Higher Education.

Colin Rowler via Unsplash

A “liberal arts” education should prize, first and foremost, freedom: to inquire, explore, think differently, test boundaries, and question prevailing orthodoxies.

A freewheeling, inquisitive, and boundary-pressing university environment invites discovery and advances human knowledge – both foundational elements of the free-enterprise system.

But is that what you see at the UNC System is right now?

Instead of freewheeling, it’s a bureaucratic morass.

Instead of inquisitive, it’s obsessed with adherence to social justice ideology.

Instead of boundary-pressing, it’s stifled, scared, and staid, unwilling to dip a toe outside the rigid ideological fence that pens it in.

Those are not traits of a higher education system that prizes freedom to inquire, explore, and think differently.

So we’re launching a project. In the coming months, we’ll focus exhaustively on the UNC System’s ideological rigidity that, in our opinion, has quashed free inquiry and turned public universities into suffocating seminaries.

We don’t know where it will lead. But we do know that higher education has lost its way. We’ll share with you specific examples showing just how far afield the UNC System has gone.

Hopefully, by talking about it, we can begin to sort out how to return higher education to its rightful place: open, inquisitive, and unafraid.


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