Promoting Liberty, Growth, & Prosperity

For North Carolina Families

Our Partnership

The Carolina Partnership for Reform, Inc. (“CPR”) is a public benefit organization. We conduct policy research and educate the public about freedom-based reforms to promote individual liberty, increase economic growth, and improve education in North Carolina.


We support individual liberty, which means freedom from government intrusion. You are the final decision-maker in how to live your life.


The reform majority, which began in 2011, ushered in a boom decade for North Carolinians. We support doubling down on the policies that got us there.

North Carolina: A beacon of light & hope.

CPR is organized to promote the social welfare and common good of the people of North Carolina by:

  • Sponsoring public policy research, education activities, and advocacy in favor of limited government, low taxation and a free-market economy;

  • Encouraging the general public to become involved in efforts to limit government, lower taxation, reform public education and expand economic opportunity in North Carolina.